
Jamie Ivins

Welcome to my photography website. I am a wedding photographer who also teaches workshops where you can learn lighting, posing and many other things that will improve your photography. Use the contact form below to get in touch.

Upcoming Photography Workshops

Lighting and modifiers

City: New York

Date: June

This is the workshop to take if you want to up your lighting game. The whole workshop is 2 days long and I cover everything I know about lighting. Most of the workshop will be in studio and you get to use all my lighting equipment and modifiers. We will start off with simple flashlights and build up a scene by adding more lights and shaping the light with softboxes, reflectors and modifiers.

Often overlooked, lighting is far more important than your camera and lens. Learn how to control lighting and take your photography to the next level. There will be a maximum of 4 people per workshop and models are also provided. You will be able to keep the photos you take and use them in your portfolio.


City: New Jersey

Date: September

Posing is often the achilles heel for new photographers. The prospect of having a model in front of you and having to direct them into a pose is very challenging. This is on top of all the other thing like lighting and costumes that you have to keep an eye on. This workshop is designed from the ground up and assumes that you have no prior knowledge. I have broken down the steps to get the right poses for your models and you will get my entire blueprint.

We will start with the most common 5-7 poses that are easy to learn and build from there. Although the focus of the workshop is female models, we will cover male models too so there is something to learn for everyone.

Skype Consultation

I also offer hourly skype consultations if you have come stuck with something in your photography or business. I have been running a successful photography studio for over a decade and have dealt with many challenges over the years. There is a lot of nuances that go into running a successful photography studio and I can help you with any problems you have. If you are only interested is photography, we can work on that too and I can answer your questions about cameras, lenses, editing or any other facet of photography.

Photoshop and Lightroom workshops

Currently on hold.

No Photo is complete without a little bit of editing magic. Photoshop can be quite indimidating for newbies. The biggest mistake you can make while editing your photos is doing too much. This workshop is designed to teach you how to edit your photos consistently and come up with a workflow that works for you and enables you to spend more time on actually taking photos. We will be going through Adobe photoshop and Lightroom and you will leave with enough knowledge to edit your photos to your own vision.

Mirrorless Video

Currently on hold.

I have a lot of experience making videos with Mirrorless cameras. From capturing slow mo to fast sports shots, you will learn how to capture exciting, encaptivating videos. You can see this Leica video project to get an idea of the kind of thing you can expect to learn. Whether it be a short story or long form video, story is everything. We will sit down and go through the entire process from start to finish so you can make your next short film.

DSLR vs Mirrorless Cameras

When it comes to buying a new camera, the options can be overwhelming. Many of my students are scared of choosing the wrong camera among the plethora of choices available. However, it's important to know that there's really no such thing as getting the "wrong" camera these days. The market is constantly evolving, with camera manufacturers always trying to outdo each other by releasing new and improved models. This can create a sense of urgency and make us feel like our current cameras are outdated. But the truth is, even older cameras can still produce amazing photos if you know how to use them.

In this blog post, I want to address the questions I've been receiving regarding mirrorless cameras vs DSLRs.

Before we dive into the topic, I want to let you know that this post contains affiliate links to my favorite camera store, B&H Photo Video. I've been a loyal customer for over 35 years, appreciating their wide selection and great prices. If you make a purchase through my links, I'll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

So, why are there so many camera options to choose from in the first place? Well, it's the nature of the camera industry to constantly innovate. Camera manufacturers are always trying to bring out the "next best thing" in order to stay competitive. This can make us feel like our current cameras are inadequate and push us towards purchasing new ones. Nevertheless, it's important to remember that many of the cameras we already own are outstanding in terms of quality and performance.

Recently, Canon announced they will no longer be producing new DSLR models. This news has led to misconceptions that their popular 5D line is being discontinued, but that's not entirely accurate. While they won't be developing new DSLRs, they will still continue manufacturing and servicing the existing models. This shift in focus is happening among many camera brands, as they prioritize the development of their mirrorless lineups.

It's foreseeable that mirrorless systems will eventually overtake DSLRs in popularity. However, this transition is expected to take several years.

Many new photographers believe that the key to improving their photography lies in upgrading to a new camera. They attribute the quality of their images to their camera's performance and assume that buying a new one will automatically make their photos better. However, in reality, many of them haven't fully mastered the use of their current cameras. It's important to understand that it's not the camera's fault if our photography doesn't meet our expectations, but rather our own lack of knowledge and practice.

Camera manufacturers utilize marketing strategies to convince us that we need the latest gear to capture amazing images. While there are certainly benefits to upgrading from very old cameras, most cameras in the last few years are already capable of producing exceptional results. The decision to upgrade should be based on mastering your current camera and identifying its limitations. This way, when you do purchase a new camera, you'll know what features to look for to enhance your workflow and image quality.

If you're not yet comfortable using your current camera, it's not time to rush out and buy a new one. Learning to maximize the potential of your current camera should be your priority. A new camera might only add to the confusion if you haven't fully explored the capabilities of your current one. Take the time to truly understand and master the camera you already have.

On the other hand, if you've reached a point where you're proficient with your current camera and find yourself frustrated by its limitations or workflow issues, an upgrade may be a viable option. Identify what specifically is holding you back with your current camera. Is it a genuine shortcoming of the camera or merely a lack of knowledge on your part? Evaluating these factors will help determine if it's time for an upgrade.

One of the advantages of mirrorless cameras over DSLRs is their compact size. The camera industry has always had an obsession with creating smaller and more portable cameras, and mirrorless systems have succeeded in achieving this. To understand the mechanics of these two systems, let's take a closer look.

A DSLR, or Digital Single Lens Reflex camera, uses a mirror to reflect the image from the lens into an optical viewfinder, where we compose our shots before taking them. When the shutter is pressed, the mirror flips up, allowing the image to hit the camera's sensor. Afterward, the mirror returns to its original position. This process happens each time a photo is taken, accompanied by the distinct sound associated with taking a picture.

One challenge with DSLRs, particularly with certain Canon models, is the movement of the mirror. During long exposures, the mirror going up can cause motion blur in the image. This can be problematic, especially for natural light food photography. However, this issue can be minimized or avoided by locking the mirror up when capturing the image.

In contrast, mirrorless camera systems eliminate the need for a mirror altogether. When a photo is taken, the light travels directly from the lens to the camera's sensor, without any mirror interferences. This absence of a moving mirror allows mirrorless camera bodies to be smaller and lighter. Moreover, it enables an increased number of frames per second when shooting moving subjects like sports or fashion, giving you a greater chance of capturing the perfect shot.

Some mirrorless cameras can capture up to 20 frames per second using the digital shutter, in which the sensor turns on and off rapidly instead of a physical shutter opening and closing. This burst of images can prove advantageous, particularly in scenarios where fast-paced action requires quick and continuous shots.

For photographers in search of their first camera, here are some suggestions:

1. Consider your budget: Start by determining how much you're willing to spend. Remember to factor in the cost of lenses, as you'll ideally need a macro lens for close-up food photography and a zoom lens for overhead shots and wider frames of a tabletop set.

2. Explore the used market: If you have a tight budget and are just starting out, buying a used DSLR can save you a significant amount of money. Used DSLRs are often less expensive than new mirrorless cameras.

3. Recommended DSLRs for food photography: The Canon Rebel T7 is a popular choice for budget-friendly cropped sensor DSLRs. For those with a larger budget, the Canon 5D Mark IV offers full-frame capabilities and higher performance.

4. Recommended Nikon DSLRs for food photography: The Nikon D3500 is a great cropped sensor option at an affordable price. For a larger budget, the Nikon D850 is a top choice among food photographers.

If you have a bigger budget and plan to pursue photography as a long-term commitment, investing in a mirrorless system that will receive ongoing support is a wise decision. Here are some recommended setups:

For Canon users, the Canon R5 with a 100mm R mount macro lens and a 24-70mm zoom lens offers an advanced mirrorless option. Nikon users might consider pairing the Z7 camera with a 105mm Z macro lens and a 24-70mm zoom Z lens.

To compare different camera models, you can use the camera comparison website. It's a helpful tool for evaluating and contrasting the features and specifications of various cameras side by side.

In summary, take the time to assess your needs, understand your existing camera, and learn its limitations before deciding to upgrade. Oftentimes, the camera is not the sole determining factor in creating great images. By becoming proficient with your current camera, you can unlock its full potential. And when the time comes to upgrade, you'll have a clearer understanding of what features matter most to you.


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